Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Social, economical and political conditions were very harsh and unfair before the French revolution affected ordinary citizens. There were three social classes that were known as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd estates. The first estate consist of catholic clergy that only had to pay 2%of their income to taxes. The second estate consist rich nobles that served the king. They had no taxes to pay and were only two percent of the entire population. The third estate consisted of middle class and peasants. This present held 97%of the total population. This estate had to pay fifty percent of their total income to taxes. The old social classes were incredibly unfair. Economical conditions were harsh also because of famine and the incredible cost of bread many people  of the third estate were in poverty because of debt from the famine. Political condition were harsh because bad leadership from king louise. There was a monarchy in use and he had all direct power. He was unfair in taxing and did not treat the three estates as equal.

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