Saturday, October 15, 2011

#5 revolutions in the arts.

Romanticism- emphasized emotion through nature and heroism. paintings tend to show how things should be rather then how they actually are in reality.
Painting:Combat of  Giaour and hassen, 1826, made by Eugene Delacroix.
*This painting embodies this style of art because it shows heroism and nature through the horsemen fighting in a natural setting.

Realistic art- Artists strived to make their artwork reflect realiy of that time as realistically as possible.
Painting-The stone breakers,1849 made by Gustave Courbet.
*This painting embodies this form of art because it describes reality of that time through hardwork and labor.

Impressionism- The artist shows its own impression of a certain moment in time. 
Painting- Soleil levant, 1823 made by Claude Manet.
* This Painting embodies  this art style because it shows the artists impression of that certain moment in time, the artists impression was obviously happy because of the bright colors used in the painting.

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