Wednesday, November 30, 2011

# 8 social Studies times.

Addiction to opium lead to war. The opium war!  
* British merchants smuggle a relaxent drug called opium into china. Over 12 million chinese
Soon become addicted and this causes turmoile in the nations structure. The quing emperor wrote to the british queen to stop smuggling the opium into china but the british refused. War broke out in wich most battling was over seas where the british navy easily   overcame the chinese ending in a british victory and and treaty of nanjing to be signed.

Hong Xiuquan leads the Taiping Rebellion. 
*Hong Xiuquan builds empire of followers. His idea was to create a "heavenly
kingdom of great peace." In which wealth was shared so there was no poverty in china. Over time he created a one million man army and took over large areas of southeast china. The leaders of the taiping government fueded often and the rebellion ended when Quing, British, and french forces defeated them on 1864.

U.S gets intimidated. Organizes open door poilicy with China.
* China had a great threat from european powers and  its own country being colonized. The united states proposed to china that its "doors" be open to all nations in fear that if colonization was to occur  trading rights would not be established. This also protected china from colonization although the country was still at mercy from foriegn powers.

Boxer rebellion caused by eruptiing frusteration.
*Violence erupted as peasants and workers resented the special privileges
Given to foreign merchants.Also resented against chinese Christians who
took on a foreign religion. These chinese people formed the "Society of righteous and harmonious fists" and soon became known as the boxers. They rebelled against the dowager empress's rule until a mulit national force of 19,000 defeated  the boxers at beijing.

Treaty of kanagawa signed between U.S and china.
*Commodore Matthew Perry was sent to japan to deleiver a letter from president fillmore to ask that japan allow free trade between  the U.S and Japan. Japan accepted  only because Perry sent it wiht a threat of coming back a year later with more huge ships for an answer. The japanese opened up two ports to the U.S.

War breaks out between the Russians and  Japenese. Russo-Japenese war.
*Japan and Russia  emerged as the largest powers in the world. The countries soon went to war over Manchuria. Japan launcheda suprise attack on Russian ships and started the war. Japan ended up winning the war after Russia was drove away by japan. Made the treaty of portsmouth afterward.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

#7 imperialism

Imperialism is the seizure of one country or territory by a stronger one.Europeans wanted to do this to gain wealth, use it's natural resources, and hold strategic positions.

The british were a main culprit of imperialism. The british perspective of this strategy is good.They would be using another lands resources and selling them.They also thought it was good because then they would go back and sell their goods to the smaller country.They would. Be holding strategic ports to sell there items and the native people could work the land.

The African perspective of this would be the opposite of the british because they were the ones who were getting taken over. They had no representation in the government that was ruling them. They were starving because they were forced to grow cash crops such as cotton instead of food. They would have to work and be soldiers to their controlling country and then they would have to buy the goods they made and grew for alot more money.

Friday, October 28, 2011

#6 industrial revolution

The working conditions of the industrial revolution consisted of working from a very young age, long hours, dangerous jobs, low pay and few breaks.This caused workers in western countries to organize into unions to press reforms for better working conditions. To improve their situation, unions went on strikes in which they refused to work until demands were made. Governments and business owners silence these protesters so that other workers would not get the same ideas so that others wouldn't strike also.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

#5 revolutions in the arts.

Romanticism- emphasized emotion through nature and heroism. paintings tend to show how things should be rather then how they actually are in reality.
Painting:Combat of  Giaour and hassen, 1826, made by Eugene Delacroix.
*This painting embodies this style of art because it shows heroism and nature through the horsemen fighting in a natural setting.

Realistic art- Artists strived to make their artwork reflect realiy of that time as realistically as possible.
Painting-The stone breakers,1849 made by Gustave Courbet.
*This painting embodies this form of art because it describes reality of that time through hardwork and labor.

Impressionism- The artist shows its own impression of a certain moment in time. 
Painting- Soleil levant, 1823 made by Claude Manet.
* This Painting embodies  this art style because it shows the artists impression of that certain moment in time, the artists impression was obviously happy because of the bright colors used in the painting.

Friday, October 7, 2011


What all the Latin American revolutions had in common is that they all wanted independence from the country that was ruling them wether it was the French or Spanish empire. These enlightenment ideas came to Latin America because of people hearing ideas of others people's revolutions such as in France or in revolutions in surrounding countries throughout latin America. Also the Creoles played a major role in spreading ideas because they herd of these ideas while studying in Europe and spread them once they arrived in Latin America.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Social, economical and political conditions were very harsh and unfair before the French revolution affected ordinary citizens. There were three social classes that were known as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd estates. The first estate consist of catholic clergy that only had to pay 2%of their income to taxes. The second estate consist rich nobles that served the king. They had no taxes to pay and were only two percent of the entire population. The third estate consisted of middle class and peasants. This present held 97%of the total population. This estate had to pay fifty percent of their total income to taxes. The old social classes were incredibly unfair. Economical conditions were harsh also because of famine and the incredible cost of bread many people  of the third estate were in poverty because of debt from the famine. Political condition were harsh because bad leadership from king louise. There was a monarchy in use and he had all direct power. He was unfair in taxing and did not treat the three estates as equal.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Enlightenment ideas were very slow to spread throughout Europe for many reasons. A major factor of this was the church. The church was not fond of new enlightenment ideas because they opposed of previous ideas of religion. The church had a huge influence on citizens and urged people not to listen to these ideas. They also burned books of enlightenment which kept people from learning about these new ideas. Another major factor that kept these ideas at bay was the lack in modern technology. Today emails, txt messages and phone calls can be made in an instant to communicate with others across the world. But in those times communicating had to be done in person or through letters that took weeks to receive.


Thomas Hobbes believed that England needed an abosolute monarchy. He created the social contract that would entitle citizens to hand over their Rights in order for law and order. On the other hand John Locke wanted a self government to be englands government. He believed that the purpose of government was to protect rights and tht citizens hand the power to overthrow the government.Thomas Hobbes view influenced England to have a absolute monarchy once again while John Locke proposed and influenced the idea of a self government.