Thursday, January 26, 2012

Stalin ruined people people's lives as well as improved them. Things that Stalin improved while he was in power include making a universal education system, industrial growth, improving woman's rights, making a high employment rate, improving health care, and promoting a classless society.
While Stalin helped improve peoples lives, he mostly ruined them. He believed in communism and nothing else. Freedoms were taken away, censorship on newspapers,indoctrination on children, collective farming, command economy.He also disproved religion by burning churches arresting clergy and creating atheist museums. While he was in power he killed and arrested millions.He believed in nothing but communism and any one who didn't would be killed.

I definatly believe that his rule was far More negative than positive. Stalin killed nearly eight percent of the population in Russia in 17 years.He brought poverty ,hunger and dictatorship to Russia.He killed anyone that would defy him, even the bulshaviks that brought him to power in the great purge. Although He did bring growth to the economy and modernize he brought more destruction to Russia then growth. He discriminated religion and enforced the customs of communism on people. In conclusion I believe that Stalin

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