Friday, February 10, 2012

#10 - Axis powers

Similar goals that Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito all shared were that they all wanted to conquer land/ annex other countries. Acts of aggression that hitler showed included the annexation of Czechoslovakia this is when Germany took over and which France and Britain appeased Hitler. Another act of aggression included Creating the third reich when Germany joined together with Austria. This was a direct violation of the treaty of Versailles.Hitler also showed preparation for war when he practiced rearmament. This is when he violated the treaty of Versailles and his military back up. Hitler also moved his army into the Rhineland which was a 30mile bummer zone between France and Germany in which neither side was aloud to enter. Once again the British and French appeased in order to keep peace.and the last major act of aggression was the akin of Suderland before he took over the rest of Czechoslovakia.

Hirohito showed aggression in the Russo Japanese war when Japan launched a surprise attack and drove Russia out of Manchuria. Also Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 and later launched a all out invasion on china in 1937. Japan also showed aggression when they violated rules of war in the rape on Nanijing.

Mussolini attacked Albania in order to control the adriatic sea and also attacked ethiopia in order to gain more land.

All three of these dictators were key points of why WWII came to be.

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