Sunday, February 26, 2012

#11 WWII battles

D-day invasion: The d-day invasion was the single largest amphibious invasion of all time.Nicknamed operation overlord;on June 6th 1944 nearly 156,000allied soldiers invaded the beaches of Normandy. However the germans have been expecting an invasion like such. With German forces heavily fortified on the beaches, allied forces suffered nearly 2,700 casualties on the first day alone. Over a months time despite heavy casualties the allied forces broke through German Lines at Saint-Lo. Within another month the Allied forces and liberated France and keeping the nazis on the defensive side of war.

The D-day invasion was significant because It put the german forces on the defensize side of the war.It lead the allied forces to liberating France, Belgium, and luxenburg. The invasion also made germany have to fight  from forces both on the east and west side of germany. This would eventually lead  to the Nazi's surrender.

Battle of Okinawa:
The battle of Okinawa was the largest amphibious invasion in the pacific theatre. Nicknamed "Operation Iceberg" on april 1st 1945 it was put into effec when over 60,000 Americans  easily landed on its beaches. ( Japanese let them land on the beaches  because they were burrowed in the islands volcanic ash.) Both sides fought hard until eventually the americans overpowered the much larger japanese force.

This battle was significant because Over 100,000  Japanese and 12,000 american soldiers died in this single battle . There was a massive loss on the Japanese soldiers where in their culture it is unhonerable to surrendure. Japanese fought until death. This was a huge win for the allied forces beacue it is 350 miles from Japanese coast, which allowed easy access for attack.

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