Friday, March 16, 2012

#12 cold war thermometer

1: Cuban missile crisis (October 14,1962-November 20,1962) countries involved- Cuba,USSR,U.S.A
Description: missiles were placed in Cuba by USSR,was a response of the USA having missiles in Turkey.USA then put a blockade on Cuba. Outcome: both countries Removed missiles from the territories.

2: Bay of pigs(April 17-19,1961) countries involved: united states, Cuba. Description: bay of pigs invasion was an unsuccessful action by a CSI force of trained Cuban exiles to invade southern Cuba with support from the US. In an attempt to remove Fidel Castro from power. Outcome:USA failed to support and failed the mission in general.

3:Vietnam war (1957-1975) countries involved: USA, USSR, Vietcong, Description: USA attempted to prevent the spread of communism due to the domino theory, USA and anti communist forces failed to win the battle against northern Vietnam and the Vietcong. Outcome:north Vietnamese victory, many casualties on both sides of the war.

4:Korean war (1950-1953) CPU tires involved :north Korea, south Korea, USSR, USA,
Decryption: USA wants to unify north and south korea, 38th parrell divided Korea. Communist in the north and a becoming less popular democracy in the south.USA tried to defend the less popular government and contain communism. Outcome:USA withdraws and the 38th parallel iOS established as the border once again.

5:conflict in Afghanistan ( December 24, 1979-February15, 1989) countries involved: USSR, Afghanistan,USA . description: fighting with guerrilla warfair, USA stops shipments of grain to USSR, soviets invade to help preserve communist government. outcome: USSR fails and with draws. Continue of Afghanistan civil war .

6:conflict in czechoslavakia ( 1968) countries involved: czechoslovakia , USSR , USA,
Description:Czechs had representative government, Alexander lessens controls of censorship to offer socialism, USSR comes in to preserve communism . Outcome: czechoslavakia again becomes a communist country.

7: civil war in iran:(1975) countries involved:Iran, USA. Description: Sha reza Pahlavi began to westernize iran. However iranian  nationalists didnt like  the change and they removed him from power. Outcome:USA reinstated Pahlavi back into power but soon later a muslim leader sparkas a revolution against him.

8: conflict in hungary: (1956) countries involved: USSR, Hungary. Description: under imre Nagy's rule the hungarians withdrew from the warsaw pact. USSR in return invaded hungary. Outcome:imre nagy removed from power and hungary returned to a communist country.

9: civil war in nicaragua (1979) countries involved: Nicaragua, USA, USSR. description: the US supported  the nicaraguan dictator Somoza. The sandinistas were supported by both the  USSR & USA. The sandinista group split however and  the sandinistas  were communist and supported by the USSR and the  contras were supported by US. Outcome: Nicaragua held its first free elections the sandinistas lost.

10:chinese civil war (1946) countries involved: china. Description:  a civil war between chinese communist and nationalists. outcome:  the peoples republic of china overpowered and stayed in mainland china while the republic of china settled in taiwan.

11: cultural revolution (1966) countires involved: china. Description: students known as red army  wanted to get  rid of ideas, culture, customs, and habits. Outcome: red army became out of countrol and mao  had most of them imprisoned. 

12: Berlin airlift (1948) countries involved : USSR, USA   Description: usa's reaction to the ussr's blockade which was supposed to starve the people of berlin. To avoid the blockade, US planes dropped supplies in berlin.Outcome: success for USA by containing communism while still keeping peace.

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